Friday 9 April 2010

The 23 things experience.

As someone who does not have a PC etc at home the 23 Things programme did shed some light on aspects of the Web (Facebook,Twitter, Blogging etc) that are constantly in the public domain these days. Indeed I saw a headline that this general election's MPs will be the Web 2.0 generation and actually had some idea of what that meant! I enjoyed the blogging generally and was taken by the range of Podcasts from music and the Beebs broadcasts to sets of lectures from some of our readers. Wikis were my low point. I couldn't really understand what I was meant to be doing which was very frustrating.

Photos and Gadgets

Well I seem to have added some pictures on a local/seasonal transition theme on my photostream and added them to my blog. The harsh winter, my sightings of egrets over the Easter weekend (a pair on Good Friday) and the swifts and swallows I'm hoping may appear with this coming weekends high pressure, form the theme. I added my delicious bookmarks and Worldcat as my gadgets on i-google, searching for one of our readers entries on the latter database.